Hello Planet Gstreamer
As you can see, I am now on planet Gstreamer. I am another one of those Jokosher guys who also write about a lot of stuff which has nothing to do with Gstreamer. I’ll try my best to keep it interesting :).
So following GUADEC which I did not attend, and could not watch because of the semi-functional streams, Jokosher is entering its first feature freeze. This saturday (also Canada Day!) we are frozen. Which is bad since we have picked up momentum from the GUADEC demo and Jono putting in some real-world testing. But alas the freeze is good cause we have lots of bugs and we need to release soon to get more users onboard.
Jokosher has come to the point where I need to actually do some real C hacking and not just the Python stuff to fix the bugs. Maybe I’ll have time for this if I can finish cleaning up some code, hastily committed on wednesday trying desperately to make the freeze. Uug! I hate it when people mix tabs and spaces!
The problem is: I hate it when people use tabs. This is why I always forget. Wish there was a good and easy solution to this…